A short train ride up the Hudson from New York City sits the lovely burgh of Peekskill, home to Peekskill Brewing. Since the arrival of one specific person, this journey has become a MUCH more rewarding one. Join The Guys as they taste their way into a WORLD...WHERE BEER BRINGS JOY. (with special thanks to: Nick Sullivan, Bill Singleton, and James Cleveland!)
Video #262: Bringing THE WOOD at New Holland Brewing.
In Holland, Michigan, they're serious about wood. And we're not just talking about the funny little clog shoes - at New Holland Brewing, this craft beverage maker is using wood in all kinds of different ways to simply blow the craft drinker's palate away. Let's take a look!
Video #260: Sun King Brewing - A conversation with Clay Robinson.
Sun King Brewing Co. in Indianapolis, IN is way up there on the coolness scale. Not least of all because of one of their co-Founders, Clay Robinson, who was just so great we couldn't stop filming him. Mark and Jimmy decided to feature their interview with Clay in their "Conversation with..." series - enjoy this look at a great brewery and a very cool guy. Cheers!
Video episode #258: THHGs are traveling the BEERmuda Triangle!
Join Mark, Jimmy, Joe and AJ as the intrepid Happy Hour Guys team up with their pals at Bagger Dave's Legendary Burger Tavern for a series of episodes that travel all through the BEERmuda Triangle: Greater Detroit, Western Michigan, and Indianapolis, stopping off at terrific Craft Breweries and Bagger Dave's stores along the way. This trip will be EPIC!