Looking back is always one of our favorite things to do each year - and 2017 was another great trip. We were all over the US once again, with stops in Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan; and most importantly the Broadway Brews Project powered forward, with the release of Brews number two and three, with more to come! Get ready for 2018, and “Craft Beer for Good” with us. CHEERS!
The Happy Hour Guys 'coffee up' with Mighty Good!
We're starting off the New Year with a healthy dose of caffeine and a lot more from Mighty Good Coffee in Ann Arbor, MI. Turns out coffee is as complex and interesting as any other Craft Beverage. Ever wonder what happens behind the scenes at your favorite roastery? Click play and get your buzz on.
Bev-Tour or camping trip? Northern Lower Michigan!
When is a camping trip NOT just a camping trip? WHEN IT'S A BEV-TOUR.
In this episode Jimmy, Joe and AJ spend a little more time in Northern Lower Michigan, including a stop at a terrific brewpub in downtown Traverse City, a new discovery of a Hops Farm overlooking Grand Traverse Bay, and a return to Short's to taste more of their fantastic brews. Enjoy!
A revisit to Short's Brewing: Well lookee here...
Jimmy, AJ and Joe stop in to Bellaire, MI to check in with our old friends at Short's Brewing, and my how things have changed. Is Bellaire still a quiet Hamlet or a Beer Mecca? And is the slogan still "Michigan Only, Michigan Forever"? (hint: both times, check the latter.) Enjoy a visit with some old friends. Cheers!
Tip Top Taps
Some days, you set out to achieve greatness. Other days, you accidentally drive past greatness, pull a u-ey, get a little lost, and stumble into it.
While visiting great friends in Evans, Georgia over the Thanksgiving holiday, we saw what looked to all the world like a gas station at a busy intersection.
That's no gas station on the corner of Washington and Belaire in Evans, GA...
Hey! Wait! That's not a gas station - it's an old gas station that's been converted into a growler filling station. JACKPOT!
This is our kind of filling station!
We wandered in, and found the barman Will sitting with a glass of newly-tapped Gouden's Carolus Noel in his hands, lamenting the transient nature of seasonal brews. He took us on a tour of Tip Top's 20 Taps, and after some lively discussion with a group of thirsty customers, we decided on both the Carolus and a local Saison from Orpheus in Atlanta.
Will was our filling station attendant for the day.
The beer, of course, was amazing. But the venue, it is awesome. Their tap list is available online all the time, and we recommend you click on that link and see the true beer geek-ery therein. Also the taps are constantly rotating, so if you are anywhere near the place, check the web, and stop in and grab a growler or two. Tell 'em The Happy Hour Guys sent ya!
Video #301: Looking back on 2014! (For FunZies.)
The whole Happy Hour Guy crew gets involved in our yearly tradition of looking back over our favorite stops of the previous year. And as we're on the threshold of our 300th episode (which will drop in 2015) this one, which is OUR SEVENTH (!!) is pretty special.
Press play for a look at where we've alighted in 2014, with special guest appearances by rock star brewers, the Amish, and Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper. Cheers, Happy New Year, and here's to a great 2015!
Video #287: Good News in Detroit - Atwater Brewing.
Sure, there's plenty of bad news coming out of the Motor City these days - the largest American city ever to declare bankruptcy, images of ruin porn, and on and on. But we have some good news from Detroit - and it has to do with Craft. Join Mark, Jimmy, AJ and Joe at the Atwater Brewery in the historic Rivertown District in Downtown Detroit City, where a warehouse from 1919 and brewing techniques that are over 200 years old continue to do their part to revitalize a city. Cheers!