Broadway Brews Project, SCHOOL OF HOPS: Brew Day!

It's time for SCHOOL OF HOPS to hit the Brew Kettle, then the Fermentation Tanks! 

THE DAY HAS ARRIVED. Let's head down to Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey (a short trip by fast ferry from Manhattan) to Carton Brewing, and brew the second Broadway Brew, SCHOOL OF HOPS! Join The Guys and today's Celebrity Brewers, Nehal Joshi and Jesse Swimm of the cast of School of Rock the Musical, as they get to work 'mashing in' on School of Hops. Big thank you to Augie Carton for hosting us, and to camera operators Justin 'Squigs' Robertson, Brad Burke, and Dane Agostinis! Cheers and enjoy!

Broadway Brews Project, SCHOOL OF ROCK: Let's meet the Team!

The second Broadway Brew process gets underway as the cast of School of Rock the Musical meets up with brewer and owner Augie Carton of Carton Brewing, at Rattle N Hum West. But this night isn't just all fun and beer drinking, there are jobs to do: What kind of beer will the cast choose to make? What will they name it? And who have they decided that the beer will raise money for? 

Each Broadway Brew is a THREE EPISODE SERIES: And for School of Rock, this is Episode One. Click onward to meet and learn more about some pretty awesome folks, and most importantly, raise money for a terrific cause. Cheers!

Many thanks to all the folks who helped out this evening, from Ashlee and Joe at Rattle N Hum West, to Erin, Brad, Jeffry, Holly and all the Broadway Brews fans. Let's BREW!

Circa press about the #BroadwayBrewsProject!

Some more terrific press for the Broadway Brews Project landed today from Circa news, featuring BOTH Rise Up Rye and the upcoming School of Rock beer:

Many thanks to Ariel Min and all the good folks at Circa!

The Broadway Brews Project beer #2: SCHOOL OF ROCK.

The Broadway Brews Project continues!

Just like we did with Hamilton an American Musical and Gun Hill Brewing recently, we, The Happy Hour Guys, are putting a hit Broadway show together with a local brewer, to brew a beer for Charity. Our eventual goal: The Broadway Six Pack - six shows, six beers, six amazing causes.

And here comes Brew #2; we're matching School of Rock the Musical with Carton Brewing in Atlantic Highlands, NJ - and they're brewing for the good folk over at Sing For Hope.

Brew Day is October 20th, and the release party will be...well, as soon as this kick-ass, hard-rockin' beer is ready.

Craft Beer and Broadway are together again. Cheers!


We've updated our Trailer. You're welcome.

Jimmy had a meeting with our pals at Vimeo recently (love those guys, and LOVE how they make our footage work) and realized that we hadn't updated our trailer in, ah, well, a couple years (more than a couple). 

So we did that. Now including prettier booze shots, an even higher percentage of amazing people, the Broadway Brews Project, and also us. Please share with everyone you know who uses the internet, and you're welcome.